
Many of the Notes and Projects that are worth posting here were at least partly inspired by passages from the books listed below. Most of my more meaningful insights come from the quieter, more contemplative moments of reading for pleasure, usually when I’m reading about a topic completely unrelated to the insight itself. This is a list of essentially some of the more enjoyable, memorable or otherwise insightful, books I’ve read over the last few years.


Updated: 2024-12-13

Time Pieces: Photographs, Writing, and Memory

Morris, Wright

Aperture, 1989.

Thinking Photography

Burgin, Victor

Palgrave Macmillan, 1982

Techniques of the Observer

Crary, Jonathan

The MIT Press, 1992

Towards a Philosophy of Photography

Flusser, Vilém

Reaktion Books Ltd, 2001

The World Viewed

Cavell, Stanley

Viking, 1971

Photography in Print: Writing from 1816 to the Present

Goldberg, Vicki

Simon & Schuster, 1981

The Burden of Representation

Tagg, John

Palgrave UK Print, 1988

What is Cinema? Volume 1

Bazin, Andre

University of California Press, 1967


Mimesis: The Representation of Reality in Western Literature

Auerbach, Erich

Princeton University Press, 1953

Shadows and the Enlightenment

Baxandall, Michael

Yale University Press, 1995

Understanding a Photograph

Berger, John

Aperture 2013

Before Photography: Painting and the Invention of Photography

Galassi, Peter

Museum of Modern Art, 1981

The History of Photography from 1839 to the Present

Newhall, Beaumont

Mu­seum of Modern Art, 1982

Photography, Vision, and Representation

Snyder, Joel, and Neill Walsh Allen

Critical Inquiry 2, 1975

Photography until Now

Szarkowski, John

Museum of Modern Art, 1989

Envisioning Information

Tufte, Edward R

Graphics Press, 1990

On Photography

Sontag, Susan

Penguin, 1977

Walter Benjamin's Short History of Photography

Benjamin, Walter

Artforum 15, 1977

Fox Talbot and the Invention of Photography

Buckland, Gail

Godine, 1980

Notes on the Index

Krauss, Rosalind E

The MIT Press, October, Vol. 3, 1977

Photography against the Grain: Essays and Photo Works, 1973-1983

Sekula, Allan

Hal­ifax: Press of the Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1984

The Photographer's Eye

Szarkowski, John

Museum of Modern Art, 1966

Looking at Photographs

Szarkowski, John

The Museum of Modern Art, New York, 2009

Painting as an Art

Wollheim, Richard

Princeton University Press, 1987


Updated: 2024-12-13

Life Library of Photography Series

Time-Life Books

Time-Life Books, 1972-2000

Painting, Photography, Film

Moholy-Nagy, Laszlo

MIT Press, 1969

Latent Image: The Discovery of Photography

Newhall, Beaumont

Doubleday, 1967

Imaging Processes and Mate­rials: Neblette's Eighth Edition

Sturge, John, Vivian Walworth, and Allan Shepp, eds

Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1989

The Daybooks of Edward Weston

Weston, Edward

Aperture, 1973

The Experimental Darkroom: Contemporary Uses of Traditional Black & White Photographic Materials

Anderson, Christina Z.

Routledge, 2022


Basic Photo: Natural Light Photography v. 4

Adams, Ansel

New York Graphic So­ciety, 1952

The Print

Adams, Ansel

New York Graphic Society Books, 1983

The Daguerreotype in America

Newhall, Beaumont

Dover, 1976

Close-Up Photography

White, William, Jr

Kodak Workshop Series. Silver Pixel Press, 1984


Updated: 2024-11-18

The Magic of Tone and the Art of Music

Rudhyar, Dane

Shambhala, 1982

Aesthetics: Problems in the Philosophy of Criticism

Beardsley, Monroe C

Harcourt, Brace & World, 1958

Truth and Method

Gadamer, Hans-Georg

Bloomsbury Academic, 2013

The Transfiguration of the Commonplace

Danto, Arthur

Harvard University Press, 1983

The Abuse of Beauty: Aesthetics and the Concept of Art

Danto, Arthur

Open Court Publishing, 2003

Art and Its Objects: An Introduction to Aesthetics

Wollheim, Richard

Harper & Row, 1971

The Continental Aesthetics Reader

Cazeaux, Clive, ed.

Routledge, 2011


Art as Art: The Selected Writings of Ad Reinhart

Reinhardt, Ad

University of California Press, 1991

Aesthetic Theory

Adorno, Theodor W

University of Minnesota Press, 2020

Eduard Hanslick's On the Musically Beautiful A New Translation

Rothfarb, Lee & Landerer, Christoph

Oxford University Press, 2018

The Sense of Beauty

Santanyana, George

Transaction Publishers, 2002

Art as Experience

Dewey, John

Penguin Publishing Group, 2005

What Is Art?

Tolstoy, Leo

Fb&c Limited, 2015

The Principles of Art

Collingwood, R.G

Ravenio Books, 2016

Art and the Aesthetic: An Institutional Analysis

Dickie, George

Cornell University Press, 2009

The Intentional Fallacy

Wimsatt, W.K, and Beardsley, Monroe

University of Kentucky Press, 1954

Art and Discontent: Theory at the Millenium

McEvilley, Thomas

McPherson & Company, 1991

Languages of Art

Goodman, Nelson

Hackett, 1976


Updated: 2024-11-18

The Engine of Visualisation

Maynard, Patrick

Cornell University Press, 1997

The Question Concerning Technology, and Other Essays

Heidegger, Martin

HarperCollins, 1977

The Hype Machine

Arai, Sinan

Harper Collins, 2020

The Craftsman

Sennett, Richard

Penguin Books Limited, 2009

The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction

Benjamin, Walter

Penguin Books Limited, 2008

The Evolution of Technology

Basalla, George

Cambridge University Press, 1988

The Death of the Artist: How Creators Are Struggling to Survive in the Age of Billionaires and Big Tech

Deresiewicz, William

Henry Holt, 2020


The Real World of Technology

Franklin, Ursula

Anansi, 1992

Prints and Visual Communication

Ivins, William M.

Da Capo Press, 1969

Thinking through Technology: The Path between Engineering and Phi­losophy

Mitcham, Carl

University of Chicago Press, 1994

Philosophy and Technology: Readings in the Philosophical Problems of Technology

Mitcham, Carl, and Robert Mackey

Free Press, 1983

Photo-Opportunity: Photography as Technology

Maynard, Patrick

Canadian Review of American Studies, 1991

Talbot's Technologies: Photographic Depiction, Detection, and Reproduc­tion.

Maynard, Patrick

Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism, 1989

Useful Optics

Welford, Walter T

University of Chicago Press, 1991

Re-Newing Old Technologies: Astonishment, Second Nature, and the Uncanny in Technology from the Previous Turn-of-the Century

Gunning, Tom

MIT Press, 2003


Updated: 2024-11-18

Art and Visual Perception: A Psychology of the Creative Eye

Arnheim, Rudolf

University of California Press, 1974

Toward a Psychology of Art

Arnheim, Rudolf

University of California Press, 1966

Image, Music, Text

Barthes, Roland

Fontana Press, 1977

Depth of Field

Coleman, A.D

University of New Mexico Press, 1998

Suspensions of Perception: Attention, Spectacle, and Modern Culture

Crary, Jonathan

MIT Press, 1999

Art and Illusion: A Study in the Psychology of Pictorial Representa­tion

Gombrich, E. H

Phaidon, 1977

Shadows: The Depiction of Cast Shadows in Western Art

Gombrich, E. H

National Gallery Publications, 1995

The Story of Art

Gombrich, E. H.

Phaidon Press, 1995

Theories of Visual Perception

Gordon, Ian E

Taylor & Francis, 2004

Crisis of the Real: Writings on Photography Since 1974

Grundberg, Andy

Aperture, 1999


In Praise of Shadows

Tanizaki, Jun'ichiro

Vintage Books, 2001

Photography and the Body

Pultz, John

Orion Publishing Group, 1995

The Art of Describing: Dutch Art in the Seventeenth Century

Alpers, Svetlana

University Of Chicago Press, 1983

Likeness and Presence

Belting, Hans

University Of Chicago Press, 1994

The Photograph

Clarke, Grahame

Oxford University Press, USA, 1997

Visual Culture: The Study of the Visual After the Cultural Turn

Dikovitskaya, Margarita

MIT Press, 2005

Recodings: Art, Spectacle, Cultural Politics

Foster, Hal

Bay Press, 1985

Why Photography Matters as Art as Never Before

Fried, Michael

Yale University Press, 2008

Art and Culture

Greenberg, Clement

Beacon Press, 1961

The Originality of the Avant-Garde and Other Modernist Myths

Krauss, Rosalind E

MIT Press, 1985

Studies In Iconology: Humanistic Themes In The Art Of The Renaissance · Volume 2

Panofsky, Erwin

Avalon Publishing, 1972

Meaning in the Visual Arts

Panofsky, Erwin

Penguin, 1970

Modern Art: 19th And 20th Centuries Selected Papers

Schapiro, Meyer

WW Norton, 1978

On Photography

Sontag, Susan

Penguin, 1977

Painting for Money: The Visual Arts and the Public Sphere in Eighteenth-century England

Solkin, David H

Yale University Press, 1993

Practices of Looking: An Introduction to Visual Culture

Sturken, Marita & Cartwright Lisa

Oxford University Press, 2009